Sunday, November 4, 2012

If I Had A Level In A Game

Okay, so I basically mostly copied just and pasted this post from Dan's post 

Dan wanted me to make a "my/me version" of his post, so here it is! And also, here is the, rules? guidelines? explanation?:
Image if you were a boss in a video game.  What would be the music to your level?  What would be the boss theme of you?Now when you imagine this, it doesn't have to be you exactly, but the point here I want you to use your creative caps to ponder about this.  Do not pick very stereotypical choices from popular games, have reasons for them.  Describe what kind of level it would be (if you are not sure, just give it, and proceed without description).  Make your level music suitable for the boss theme, and vice-versa.  Also you cannot be a final boss.

Level Theme: 
For me, when I listen to this, I think of it being night, and it raining. But it's not raining the same throughout the entire level. It's slow at the beginning, and then picks up when the music does, and the amount of rainfall depends on the 'mood' of the music. I also see this kind of being in the setting of outside in a kind of wooded area, and the ground is muddy, and there are some ledges/cliffs/hills to go up, and the higher you go up, the more above the tree line you get, and the more you can see a lit cityscape in the background behind the trees.

Boss Theme:
Okay, for the boss part, I would want to have like, lightning, which would strike when the cymbal is hit(in the background music). I would just want to cut the music so it doesn't have the electric guitar part.

Yay! I think I did this right.... I hope I did anyways!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Day After Halloween

     Good Morning Everyone!

     How was everyone’s Halloween? Did you go out trick or treating? Did you hand out candy? DID YOU DRESS UP?? Well, this Halloween I was at Dan’s (I still am at Dan’s [YAY]) and I handed out candy… Or, well, opened the door too early for the most part and told everyone to take one of each (there was those little snack chip bags, chocolate bars, suckers and rockets)… I didn’t do that great of a job. I guess it was okay for my first time handing out candy. Luckily for me, there was only 8 people that came, LOL. I guess that was because of the fact that it was a Wednesday and it was cold and wet/damp outside. But Dan and I had carved some pumpkins! YAY!

     And because I am kind of half asleep right now, and have no concentration… I shall just post some pictures from yesterday and then I’m going to go nap <3 NAAAPPP <3

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hello, Hello

    Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't really posted anything for a while. I've just, kind of been, busy recuperating (at least that's my excuse for being lazy....) *ahem* Anyways, I do have another game review that I am planning to do, so I should get that done either today or tomorrow (probably tomorrow) Other than that, I just wanted to say Happy Halloween to everyone!! :D I hope you all have a fright of a night! :P I plan to help Dan hand out candy (aka; hope no one comes so there's more left over candy for us/me) So I should have an update and a game review by the end of the week. (hopefully) so enjoy your day everyone!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Because or Despite

     So. I was on Reddit the other day. (I've had an account for 8 months) And, I came across something interesting. It was basically this guy who has a BBW fetish. And he asked for girls to give their input on if they'd rather have someone who is attracted to them despite their body, or if they'd rather have someone who is attracted to them because of their body.
     Now, I find a lot of people, 'hating' on men who have a strong liking/fetish towards BBW body typed women. And honestly, I don't understand it. Like, seriously. It kind of really annoys me. And a lot of the women were saying that they'd rather have someone want them for who they are, not for their body. Well... Like, honestly, I think it's better to be with someone who wants you for who you are, AND finds every inch of your body desirable for the way that it is. Like, no one seems to have an issue with guys who only find skinny women attractive, but as soon as there's a man who finds someone whom finds only BBW body type women attractive, they're labeled as a 'weirdo' or something else that's negative. And I really think it's unfair.
     I've currently lost my train of thought for this... So, feel free to discuss this with me in the comments if you wish. I'll maybe update this and repost or link back to it once I've added more to it.

     With that said... Goodnight!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Trip To The Doctor [Warning - Gore]

   So. Today was interesting... So a few days ago (I think it may have been Friday or Saturday) I started experiencing some pain kind of above my tail bone area. It stared off as being a rough patch of skin, that was enflammed and stiff(kind of like how when you get hit really hard by something, and it leave a bit of a hard spot for a while). Well, I didn't really think anything of it, and just thought I'd wait for it to go away just as it came.... Well. About a day or two later, it started getting really painful, and I noticed a lump... Still being me, I didn't put much thought into it, and just kept waiting for it to go away... Well. By today, I haven't really slept for about 3 days because the pain kept constantly waking me up... I was still wanting to wait it out, essentially, I wanted to play chicken with it... You know, have a battle of wills... I figured, if I toughed it out long enough, that it would have to go away! (this logic made sense to me...) But. Then I had called my mom. I kind of had enough of the severe pain constantly, so I told her about it. And she told me to go to the hospital and get it checked right away...

     Well, I didn't end up going to the hospital until about, 4:15pm. I waited about 45 minutes for a nurse to see me to consult me on why I was there. She took my blood pressure (then left for 15 minutes halfway through it) and then took my temperature... Turned out I had a fever. (I assume a somewhat high one seeing as she asked if I had chills or shakes or anything like that.)(also, I had taken 500mg of Tylenol about an hour before I went and got checked, so for me to still have a fever...) And here I was wondering why I was all sweaty for... Anyways, she then told me to go sit down, and that I would be called on after a bit of a wait. Well, about 45 minutes again, a male nurse had called my name, and brought me to another waiting room, and then maybe a minute later, called on me again, and directed me to my examination room... It was about 30 minutes before the doctor came, and he already knew what was wrong with me when he came in the room based on what I described.... I had an abscessed cyst. (oh joy!..) I already knew what this entailed.... Sharp pointy things touching my currently most sensitive spot on my body... (Oh, did I mention how it was also a couple inches above my tail bone in my butt crack? Yeah, how dignifying....) So. I lay there in my gown, with my butt half exposed. He tells me he needs to freeze the area and then cut it open in order to express it... I immediately asked if it would hurt... He said "It will feel a lot better once I'm done" This was an immediate red flag that told me, "Brace yourself... This is going to hurt!"... He came back with a disposable kit of some stuff. And, I couldn't even look at what it all was. I was terrified. I just kept my face down and my eyes closed... Then the needle came... (for those of you who don't know, I'm scared of needles and don't deal well with them.) It was weird, (and painful) feeling him stick the needle in, and put it deeper, a deeper in order to freeze it... Then came the cut, and I could feel liquid spill out of it (half a cup of brown-ish pus) And a fowl rotting/infected flesh smell wafted through the room. He originally wanted to pack the open wound, but I told him it was really sore and he was trying to get the last bits of it out, and because he didn't want to hurt me (or keep hurting me) he gave me dressings and paper tape so that I can basically just let the rest of it seep out. He then gave me a prescription for T3's and anti-biotics and told me that I should be good in about two weeks. So yay! I feel loads better already! (having half a cup of liquefied tissue in a quarter-loonie sized lump mean a lot of pressure! And I hate to imagine how deep it is! omg...)

     I think I really should have listened to everyone sooner when they were all telling me to go see a doctor. I would have saved myself a lot of pain. I also learned, that sometimes, I can't just wait it out and expect everything to just go away. Also, my fever seemed to have broke shortly after my cyst was drained. I really need to learn to not ignore severe pain and fevers... I think I've learned my lesson... (but we'll see...)

     Anyways! I think that's about it for me tonight. Going to watch a little video with Dan, and then get some well needed sleep~ <3

P.S. I already have my next post 'planned' so I hope to have it posted some time tomorrow :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Halloween Nail Art

     Hey guise!! I'm going to actually do a nail art thing today! Woooo!

First off, paint ALL of your nails yellow.
Then put tape on the top and bottom thirds of all of your nails except one. 

Pain the nail (with the tape still on) with orange.
Then quickly peel off the tape.

Let it dry.

Now paint the top third white.
You can put tape on to cover the bottom two thirds of your nail so you keep it a straight line.

After you let it dry, put a coat of 'glitter' nail polish to make it cute :3

Next, on whatever finger you chose to just leave yellow, make a body like this. 
(you can start with making two circles, and then making small little triangles.)

Take a dotting tool  or something, to make two big (compared to it's size) white dots for the eyes.
Then use another dotting tool, to make wings.

Next I used a pin, and dipped it in a silver, and make little dot/lines.

Then I used the same pin (after I cleaned it) and made a little orange beak.

Apply top coats and you're done! :D

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Secret Of Mana [Review]

     Okay, I know I didn't post anything yesterday, but. I had class, and I've been really tired these past few days... (including today) So, anyways. I thought that I'd go ahead and do a game review for Secret Of Mana ! (the virtual consul version for Wii) Seeing as I should have done this review a couple months ago...

     This game was actually a tun of fun! You can play up to 3 players, but you have to 'unlock' each player first. Basically, you play as the main guy and play through the story for the first, about, 10-15 minutes, and then you get your first party member. Then at some point after (I forget exactly how long after) you get your final party member. This was one of the few games in which I was actually useful! :D That made me happy :3 I forget exactly how many bosses there are, but there are a fair about (maybe around 20?) and it is really handy to use a walk-through/player's guide during this game because it can get hard pretty fast.
     Your three playable characters are:
The main character of the game. (The one Dan played as)
His main/given weapon is the Mana Sword, but Dan mainly used the axe as it had a higher attack then the rest of the weapons.
He doesn't get magic abilities.

This is the second playable character(he's a sprite) (the one I played as)
It took us a while until we found out that this is actually a guy...
His main/given weapon is a boomerang, though I mainly used the whip.
He also gets magic, and his magic abilities are mostly offensive(attack).

She is the last playable character you achieve.
Her main/given weapon is the gloves.
She too gets magic, and her magic is mostly defensive/healing, which comes very useful once you get them to a higher level.

     I think one of the issues one would have if they played without someone else, is that it may get a bit difficult during major boss battles because you'd need to command the sprite to use magic instead of just melee attacks and you'd want to make sure the other characters aren't being, well... 'reckless' and getting killed right away. I'm not saying it would be impossible or anything, I'm just saying it's really handy to play with another person. Other than that, the only downfall to the game that I can think of, is that you have like, a 4-5 amount per item max. Meaning, you can only carry up to 4-5 of the same item. And you don't always have the best access to shops or Neko (a cat who acts as a shop, but his prices are double. He's often around dungeons, which makes him convenient, but pricey.) There have been instances where Dan and I have ran out of supplies and had to escape out of a dungeon in order to get more supplies, and then kind of, run through the dungeon to get back to where we left off.

     I'm not sure what else to right at the moment... So, I'll just sum things up.
     This is a really great game. The graphics are pretty, the story line is great, the ending is...(you'll just have to play it and find out ;P) I think it's a really well done game, and lots of fun. It's a long game (I think) which is great, because you'll want to just keep on playing. I would definitely recommend this game to everyone!

Here! Have some other pictures from Secret of Mana!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Dollerama Adventures

     Good afternoon everyone! Yes, I know, I'm actually making ANOTHER blog entry today! Aren't I a busy bunny today? *ahem* Anywho! So yesterday evening I went with my sister and my Oma to go to some places that my sister needed to go to (Costco, Superstore, Pet Land, and Dollerama is all we ended up going to) and seeing as I had a little bit of money left from after paying for my phone, I decided, hey, seeing as I needed toothpaste anyways, I'm going to pick up a few things from Dollerama! Okay... Now, I originally intended to get some crafty stuff to make, well, cute crafty things with... And if any of you are like me, then you too may know that once you walk into Dollerama, you're lucky to come out with what you even went in there for, let alone with money still in you pocket... I always go to the school supplies section first, because I have a love for school supplies. Then I go to the craft section, then the section with all the bathroom stuff and make-up... Well. I originally wanted to just take $5 with me, because I knew if I took more, I would spend it all... But, then I thought to my self.. Hey, why not just take the other $5 bill I have, and then I can get change from it from the taxes! Big mistake. I ended up spending $9.17 and ended up broke. But... I did come back with some cute things. Not what I went there for... But, they're cute!

(what I went there for $2)

(I was waiting too long in line... And ended up getting this $0.69)

(So cute :3 $2)

(This is a little cupcake trinket box :) $1.50)

(I've been really wanting to get orange nail polish for a while, especially because of halloween!)

Also, I just wanted to show you guys the nails I did thanks to this orange nail polish I got :)! 

Men Are Just As Important

     Okay, so, I was scrolling down on my Tumblr dashboard, and reading some things from other blogs I follow. And I came across something that made me think of Feminism (I'm not sure if it pertained to it or not, it just reminded me of it)
   Here it is:

     Now I'm not a Feminist, so I wanted to kind of, talk a little about something. I don't plan on this being very long, but we'll see what happens. 
     I basically want to quickly address the whole "Women and children before men". Growing up, I was used to this 'mentality' if you will. And I thought this was kind of, 'common knowledge', or I would think of it as, the youngest should deserve to live more, because the older people have had a chance to live already. But putting all that aside, I got to thinking. If say, the world were to end, and we all knew this beyond a shadow of a doubt, but we were able to save a percentage of the population... How would we go about this? I'm sure most of you are thinking, 'well, save the women and the children!' But... Think of it this way. If we wanted out 'race/species' to survive... We need more than just women and children. We need men.  We need a whole variety of people. Why? because, we need old and young, strong and wise. Men are generally stronger than women, just because of their anatomy. We can't expect women to take the place of men, nor can we really expect boys to take the place of men. And I'm not saying men are only good for their strength, I'm just trying to think of this in the sense of every thing becoming primitive. (because after all, the world ended and we're having to start anew from something we are not accustomed to.) So just as females cannot take the place of males, males cannot take the place of females.
     We would need some women to take care of the young, and some men to take care of the young, just as we would need some women to teach those who are old enough to be taught. Woman can teach things that perhaps men are not as good as teaching. And just the same, we would need men also, to teach, and to 'train'. If we were to expect our race/species to succeed, we are going to need people of all different genders, colours, beliefs, sexual orientations, and all of that. And you may be thinking "Well, if you have children, then one day the boys will turn into men, so why would we need men to start with?" Well, that would be like saying, if we just have children, then why would we need women either? Seeing as the girls would turn into women as well. But we need older people in order to teach the younger people. We need women, children AND men. Men are just as important as women. Men and women are two sides of the same coin.
     I may not explained my self as well as I intended to, so hopefully the most of you understand the point I'm trying to get across.

If not, here is a video for you:

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Relationships - What's allowed? [The Wandering Eye and Porn]

     Okay. Now, on Facebook I had seen some talk about if it's acceptable for someone who's in a committed relationship, to have a wandering eye (as in, checking out members of the opposite sex) and/or to have possession of porn.
     Now, I only have about, 30 minutes to write this so I'll try to have this done, otherwise you guys might have to wait until late tonight for me to have time to post this. Okay. So, keep in mind, this is MY personal opinion and how I would personally feel, if I was in such a situation.
     In regards to the 'wandering eye' part, I don't find it really acceptable. (of course this depends on what kind of relationship you are in, some people find that flirting with other people to be completely acceptable. I don't) Because, at least for me, it would make me feel, some what inadequate, and it would be hurtful and make me feel insecure. To me, it's like a silent way of saying that, that person is hot. Though to me, it's not as bad as if they were to openly say someone was hot/attractive or whatever, because if they were to openly say so, then for me it would be worse, and I would find myself comparing myself to that person for weeks, because it would bug the heck out of me, and I would nit-pick out all the things that I feel they have better than me, and I would be damaged for a bit. (And perhaps I make that sounds a bit more extreme than in actuality.) But in short, I wouldn't find it acceptable to check out other people of the opposite sex. But that doesn't mean people arn't allowed to just look at other people, because, come on now, you can't really stop someone from looking at someone, and also, if you find your significant other 'checking out' other girls/guys, then don't immediately assume they want to get with that person. Maybe they liked what they were wearing, and thought you'd look good in it too. You never know what's actually going on in their head, so it's not fair to assume the worst.
     Now for the porn part. Okay, I know this part would have a lot of debate about it, because a lot of people have a lot of very different views when it comes to porn. I know most people will say that it's a big no-no when in a relationship. But it really depends on both people. I was in a relationship where we both frequently watched porn, and on occasion we'd watch it together. But I was young and didn't really think too much about it. Now, I guess I'm somewhat on the fence about it personally. Like, if someone is open about the fact that they watch porn, then it's fine, because if you try and hide the fact, then it's somewhat suspicious.  Also, it's not such a great thing if one watches porn A LOT, and by a lot, I mean like, basically every day, and/or if you require it to 'get off', because then it can be kind of an issue, and it may have some concenquences in your own sex life. Now anyways, to address more on the point on if you should get mad at your significant other if you find they have possession of porn... To me, it depends. First, if you already know that they watch porn, and maybe you were fine with it until you found their stash, then, I don't think you are warranted to get mad at them, but you should discuss the matter with them, and explain how it upsets you, and if you're lucky, they'll agree to stop watching porn. And that brings me to my next point. If they agree to stop watching porn, and you find they still have a stash, and you know for a fact that they've watched porn after they agreed not to, then you can get a bit upset with them, but I don't think it's a make or break kind of thing. Now, if say, you're starting out in a relationship, and they say that they don't watch porn or anything like that, and then you find out after a while that they do, then, I'd personally be upset, more so on the fact that they lied, than that they actually watch the porn. Now, the only kind of porn I don't find acceptable to watch while in a relationship, is live porn. (You know like those live webcam sites where you can watch people have sex or masturbate and such) Because it's different than watching professional porn actors doing that kind of stuff. And it becomes no different (in my opinion) than if you watched a friend on skype or webcam have sex or masturbate for you. In short, is watching porn acceptable in a relationship? It depends on the context I guess, like, if they're watching porn for educational purposes (like for new ideas on things to do in the bedroom) then I think it's fine. But other wise it depends on the people in a relationship, each relationship works differently, and it's something both partners need to discuss before it becomes a rule of whether or not they can watch porn.

     All in all, It really depends on the individuals and how each person feels about things, but I think one should discuss the matter, before getting really mad and such. But if it(I'm more regarding porn here) becomes a problem in regards to your sex life, then I believe it's an issue that should be worked out. But every relationship works differently. What may make things a healthy relationship for one couple, may be something that could ruin another couple's relationship. Each relationship differs.

     Anyways, I think I've made my point. If you have any thing to say or question, then just leave a comment below :) I am off! Ciao~!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Interesting Day (Tid Bits)

     Yes, I have no creativity when it comes to blog post titles... But anyways. And as the title suggest, I'm not going to go fully in to depth with a lot of these things. So, a few days ago (I think it was Friday) I had submitted a picture post to a blog that I follow. I had thought that either they didn't get my submission, or it wasn't approved. Well, I had seen it earlier today on my Tumblr news feed, and I was pretty happy :3
     If you want to check out the post, then go here :D :

     So, earlier today I had come across someone's post about how milk is poisonous for you... Their claim was that milk has hormones, blood, pus, and pesticides in it... Of course, their information came from a book called "Skinny Bitch" in which was endorsed or whatever, by PETA. Here is an article a bit about how it's not true ( Now. I love my milk, it's delicious and it's delicious. I don't think anyone could say anything to me in order to convince me to stop drinking milk. But, to make up stuff about milk which isn't true, and convince other people that it's bad (I'm talking about the book here) is just silly. (I plan to talk more about this in another post.)

     On another note... I made some money today, and I'm pretty happy about it :3 Why? Well, money. And, because that means I can buy myself some minutes for me phone :'3 I haven't been able to text people since mind July... So I haven't been able to text my Dan in forever :C And seeing as I've been having issues with my internet at home (I'm still at Dan's so that's how I'm able to make this post) then I can text Dan while I don't have internet (which makes things a lot easier than me using Facebook on my phone to message him [Yes, for some reason I've still been able to use Facebook on my phone, free of charge, even though I haven't had an active phone in a couple months]. It will be nice to be able to text him again, and some other friends of mine :3 Yay~

     So... Dan and I had watched The Green Mile yesterday.... I cried... I cried mostly when that [insert strain of cuss words here] guy had stomped on Mr.Jingles(a cute little mouse) and killed him :'C

     But, anyways. I'm currently watching WWE Raw, and it's pretty distracting (I've been typing this up since  Raw started at 8pm) So I'll end this post will telling you guys who my two favorite WWE wrestlers are, and who the most annoying WWE personality is...

Most Annoying WWE Personality goes too!!:
Vickie Guerrero

And My Most Favorite WWE Wrestler is!!:

And My Second Most Favorite WWE Wrestler is!!:
Daniel Bryan

     Anyways lovelies, Raw only has a few minutes left, so I'mma wrap this up, and then go to sleeeeep (or watch A Haunting while cuddled up with Dan in bed, and then sleep) 

     So I give to you, some .gifs that will hopefully make you lul or/and 'd'awe' :3

     Anywho, have a nice night everyone! :D Ciao~