Friday, August 31, 2012


Good Evening my fellow followers!

     I won't be posting to night (other than to tell you I won't be posting...) Because I am going to a cruise boat club tonight, and I am going to be busy with that (It ends at 1am) So! I will also be posting a OOTD thing, along with a nail art tutorial, and a post about my night ;P 

So stay tuned!

Update/Artistic Nudes[Drawings]

     Now, if you've probably noticed that while trying to get to my blog, it redirects to to a page thing that tells you about the fact that this blog has adult oriented content. That was due to the fact of this blog post. I wanted to post some of my art that was related to 'Artistic Nudes'. So I apologize to those of you who may have thought "PORN!", because, the pictures in this post are not intended to be porn.
     But here we go! I will post the pictures in ascending order, so from oldest to newest. And a rough year to when they were drawn.

This was done in, I believe 2007. This was an abstract take on a nude male, in, I believe the desert.

This was done in 2008

This was done in 2010

And this was done earlier this month, and I plan on finishing it in September.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

New Hair

     Remember how I said in my previous post about bleaching my hair? Well! Here's the results!

Yes, I look like crap, but that's just because I just woke up, and I believe I was waiting for Dan to get out of the shower so I could go in :P

     I'll also be posting a blog entry on a nail art tutorial either later tonight, or tomorrow morning. So stay tuned!

3 Lovely Months

     Okay my fellow followers! I'm home now (sadly), and am at my laptop, so! That means, a bigger post! Woooo~!
     Okey dokey, so! What's new? Well~~~ On Saturday (August 25th) me and Dan had our 3 Month anniversary <3 So~! That calls for an ooey gooey mushy mush post about me and my boyfriend and how much I love him <3 :D
     Lets start off with what I made him for our 3month anni. and what happened that day :P

This is a drawing I did of mine and Dan's owls together :3 You can't really see the pink tips on my owl in the picture, but it's a lot more noticeable in person. I like how this turned out :3

     So, what did we do on out 3 month anni.? Well, that day happened to be my cousin's 22nd birthday party, and we thought it would be a nice thing to go to, it would be eventful, and there would be a lot of people there for me to introduce Dan to. So, I got up a bit late (woke up at 12pm) and I had to hop on the bus to Polo Park in a few hours (2:58pm) in order to get there for 4pm. So I was in a fair rush to get ready in time, as I had to shower, do laundry, bleach my hair, shower again, and pack. Luckily, I was able to manage to do all of that, and make it in time for the bus (I stood out 6minutes early, because Winnipeg Transit Buses can be dicks), which was pretty darn lucky. I was actually pretty darn lucky the entire time. Why? Because, I didn't miss my transfer bus, AND I didn't get lost! This is quite the achievement for me, really. I seem to have a knack when it comes to getting lost while taking the W.T.B.. Did I mention, I live right beside the UofManitoba? Yeah, so in order to really hang out with any of my friends or anything, I have to bus to the other end of the city because that's where they all live. Don't get me wrong though, it's not like I dislike busing over there at all, it's just, I'm a bit of a dunce when it comes to making it from point A to point B... I get lost, a lot. And I currently don't have a phone, so I can't even get my friends to tell me exactly where to go in order to catch a bus to get to where I was intending to go. I was over an hour late when meeting up with someone before... I missed all of my stops and transfers. 
     Anywho~ I got to Polo Park at about, 3:50pm-3:55pm, and Dan was going to be there around 4:30pm because he was working. (Did I mention that the party didn't start until 7pm?) We met up in the mall outside of Spencer's (one of my most favorite stores :3) around 4:50pm (he got held up at work a bit) Dan got me a smoothie(which was yummy :3) from Orange Julies(?), and we chilled out in the food court till 6pm, because it was Saturday, and that's when Polo Park closed. So, after that we went to The Forks to kill some time, and then got back to Polo just after 7pm.... This was when we waited, for close-ish to an hour, until Dan used mobile browser to check what was up on the event thingy. Turned out, that it was changed from Omand's Park, to St.Vital. Dan didn't have the gas to go all the way there, and then back to his place, so we ended up just going to his friend Ian's place, because Ian invited Dan over for a small event. So at Ian's we had some ice cream cake, played this super fun 'card' game that's similar to Boulderdash(not sure if I spelled that right), and then we shot of some fire works that Ian had bought. And that was pretty fun. 
     So, we ended up having a good night even though the plans had changed from what they originally were meant to be.

     Okey doke, so now I will show you the other two things I made for Dan for our monthlies.
(intended for our first month, even though I had been away to celebrate it)

And this was for our two month :)

     Now, a friend of mine had asked me a couple months ago, why I love Dan. And this was my reply:
"There's really no proper words to express why, but. From the moment I first met him, there was something different, it was comfortable, not new, but like it was right, like he was the piece I had lost so long ago and now I finally found him. When I'm with him, it's like everything is in perfect harmony, I feel like I'm home when I'm in his presance, like I've finally found where I belong. And he makes me truly happy."
     And it's true. I love Dan more than anything or anyone else. He is a truly amazing and special man. A one of a kind. And I am so very lucky to have someone like him in my life, and even luckier, to be with him <3

Here, enjoy some pictures of Dan and I :3 Along with our song :D

Fun at the Museum of Man and Nature :)

     And that's about it for this post :) I will be posting two more posts later today :) so stay tuned!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


     If you guys haven't noticed, I've made some modifications on my blog here, you can see the popular posts on the side now, so I may remove the page. Also, you can subscribe to my blog and get email updates on my blog (found at the bottom of the blog), you can also see who follows me and how many pageviews I have, weee~! I will spruce things up once I get at a computer. Until then, stay tuned!

Monday, August 27, 2012


     Hey guys! I just wanted to let you peeps know that the reason why I haven't posted in the past two(?) days is because I've been at my Boyfriend Dan's place, and I didn't bring my laptop along with me. I'm currently writing this from my BlackBerry PlayBook (which is a tad time consuming because it has a on screen touch keyboard) and I can't hook it up to any laptop or computer because the desktop software is screwy from the new update(popular issue). So! I'll post a fairly lengthy post once I get home. It will have pictures! :D

Friday, August 24, 2012

OOTD - Envious

     So, I, for no real reason, decided to put make up on today. I had no intentions of going out anywhere today, but, I was seeing some pictures of pretty ladies, and, well, perhaps felt slightly insecure :P
     So! Seeing as I got dolled up, I figured I'd put something nice on too, and take some pictures. I see a lot of OOTD (Outfit Of The Day) posts from many people and a thought I'd do something of the sort. Now, I don't have a wardrobe that allows me to have a new outfit every day, so, I figured I would make it more of a monthly thing. Or I may make it a bi-weekly thing or, what not, we'll see!

Cardigan - L (New Woman Design)
Shirt - L (MARVIN)
Capris - 20 (MxM)
Earings - Shoppers Drug Mart or some store like that in PoloPark Shopping Center (Winnipeg) I forget the brand, sorry.
Bracelet - Sears Canada
Robot Necklace - Forever 21
True Love Winged Heart Necklace - Clair's
Heart Necklace - Present from my sister
'Friendship' Necklace - Made it myself

I like to wear lots of necklaces :I

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Creation Fun!

Welp, I am about to 'spam' this post with some pictures of my creations I've made from flash makers. If you want a link to the makers, just ask me and I'll send you the link!

^Anime Me!^

 ^Barn Owl Me^
 ^Bunny Rabbit Me^
 ^Griffin Me^
 ^Psychic Pokémon Me^
 ^Rat Me^
^Wolf Me^

And that's about all I got so far :3
Honestly, I always really enjoyed doing these things ever since I was little. Along with doing those personality quizzes.
Weeeeeee~ I'm such a loser! :D