Sunday, September 30, 2012

Quick Thoughts - Love At First Sight

     Now, I see a lot of times about people talking about love at first sight... So, I just thought that I would express my opinion. Just keep in mind, this is just an opinion, I'm not looking for any arguments or anything like that. 

     I do think that the thought of "love at first sight is a cute 'thought' or whatever you call it... But I don't believe in love at first sight. I believe in infatuation at first sight. I believe that love is so much more than just looks, it's about who the person is. And you can't know who someone is by just looking at them. Not saying that a "love at first sight" experience can't turn into a forever lasting relationship. I just think that Love isn't something to just throw around. It's a very special thing that is too often mistaken for infatuation/lust and that can get a lot of people hurt.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


I really couldn't be bothered to put these all in chronological order... Sooo, you'll just have to look at them in a random order :P These are pictures of different hair styles/colours I've had since about 2007 (the more man-like I look, the younger I am...).

50th posts and 500 pageviews

     I just wanted to thank you guise for all of your support and views :3 I honestly never thought that I would get this many views this quickly <3
     I mostly just wanted to make a quick little post thanking you guise, and I hope you decide to stick around :3 Also, anyone is free to comment on any of my stuff, I had changed it so now you don't have to have an account or anything (you can post anonymously) so have fun with that! :P
     Like I've mentioned in my previous post, there's just so much that I would really like to write about, but, it's like it's all trying to get out at the same time, and getting all clogged up >.<  So, I think I MAY decide to make a kind of scheduled later on (like could be next month or whenever. 
     Right now Dan is making me some lunch, so I'll wrap this up quickly, and then I'll make another post later on today (or at least I plan to...) 
     On that note! I leave you guise with some uber adorable owl .gifs <3 :3

Friday, September 28, 2012

Blippitty Blop

     As you can tell, I had NO idea what to put for the title... I'm not that creative of a person when it comes to titles of things... *ahem* Anyways. I really am not sure what to write about, but I just kind of wanted to write SOMETHING instead of just like, neglecting my blog... Though, I do check my blog like, several dozen times a day, along with my Tumblr, I just, don't always know what to write, and when I do have something to write about, I just don't really have the opportunity to sit down and write about it(it's usually something to do with dating).
     I figured I would just write an entry about nothing and everything. Just kind of, lay here and type what ever comes to my mind. Okay, maybe not EVERYTHING that comes to mind... So, this could be a VERY long entry.. But I doubt that, because I'm kind of sleepy and I need to get up at 7am to get ready in time to walk to Dan's class. While we're on the topic of Dan~ :3 I had come across a .gif that sums up how I feel whenever I'm at home and Dan isn't online because he's in class/driving home or to work/teaching or if he is online and I just can't really talk to him because he's busy working on his grad school homework and I don't want to bug him to much... Here is that .gif:
     Whenever Dan isn't around or online where I can really talk to him, I feel, kind of exactly like the .gif. I always just miss him so much when he's not around. I start to miss him before he's even out of sight. My heart's just like 'Dan, come back, I need you. Here. With me. Now.' And sometimes it makes me feel really sad, because the seconds feel like minutes, and the minutes feel like hours... But, then there's when I have to go somewhere, like if I'm walking to a store, or to the University, or if I'm busing some place, then, my mind fills with thoughts of Dan, and some of the goofy stuff he says or does, or just his laugh, and I can't help but have this biggest, silliest ear-to-ear smile on my face and giggle to myself. Like even now, just thinking of it, I have a silly grin on my face. His absence makes me sad because I miss him so much, but, when I think about him, and not think about how much I'm missing him, then it's like I'm living in my memories and thoughts of him, and it's comforting. It doesn't make me miss him any less.. It just, makes it easier.

Because without you Daniel, I'm incomplete <3

     Well.. It's after midnight now. So. I should probably get some sleep o.o I need to get up in less than 7hrs. So I guess all this entry ended up being about was me missing Dan, lol. Oh well :P I will write up another blog entry tomorrow or something while I give Dan some time to work on his stuff he need to get done while I'm over at his place tomorrow(I guess technically today) and the rest of the weekend. I'm most likely going to make a semi-chronological order of all the different hair styles/colours I've had throughout the years :P mostly because some of them are interesting, and I though you guys might get a surprise/kick out of a few :P

     So stay tuned for later~!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Four Amazing Months

     Today was Daniel and I's fourth month anniversary :) And I'd have to say, it's been great with him :) He's the most amazing person in the world <3 And I always just feel amazingly lucky to just have him in my life, let alone as my best friend and lover <3
     I always enjoy making him a little something for Dan when it comes to our monthly anniversaries, and my that I don't mean make food, I mean, make something that you can look at whenever you want to and something that will last.
     Last month I had made him a drawing of our owls together. And this month I made him a video and gave him a bunch of cute lovey songs. :) There was about 15 songs on the thumbdrive that I gave him (I would have preferred giving him a mix CD and written a letter on paper rather than a Word Pad document, but I didn't have any CD's, and I was running to late in order to manage writing stuff up on paper in time)
     So, I figured I'd show you guys the video that I had made, it's not the greatest because, well, I'm no professional, and I only had Windows Movie Maker (at least that's my excuse :P) But, those who I showed it to, thought it was cute, so, I don't feel too bad about it :P (I'll make a much better quality one once I learn how to use a better program)

     Daniel had classes pretty much all day, but he had told me that he wanted to take me out for dinner tonight to celebrate :) So, I thought that I would wear the same thing that I wore on our first date :) I thought it would make things cute. We ended up going to Pizza Hut, which I had no complaints about seeing as I LOVE pizza :P We had ordered some rolls things(I forget what they're called) for appetizers, and then we had shared a medium stuffed crust pizza, which was really good :) We ended eating the pizza pretty fast, haha, so we ended up kind of full but still wanted some dessert :P I had ordered a New York cheese cake slice for dessert, and Daniel had ordered these Chocolate Dunkers things. The slice of cheese cake was actually like, twice the size that I was expecting, so I had a real hard time finishing it, and I had even kind of made Dan have some of it too :P
     Unfortunantly, time passed too fast, and it was time for Dan to head back home. So he dropped me back off at home, and I gave him a kiss and he headed off. I started missing him before he was even out of sight :C

     Tomorrow will be interesting. Haha, I'm not allowed to sit in on Dan's class, I've been told to go store to store and drop off my cover letter/resume :P I'm going to dislike not being able to see him tomorrow :C
     And then on Thursday I'm going over to my sister's place to visit :) She lives pretty close by so it's only like a 10 minute walk. It'll be nice, since I haven't been able to have any sisterly time with her in quite a while, and then, and then, I'll get to play with her rats! I love her rats :3 They're so cute! :D I might be able to snap a few pictures, and if I can, I'll upload them so you guy's can see :)

     But anyways! I should probably get ready to head to bed now. I'm actually pretty sleepy, and it's going to be a kind of long day tomorrow :P

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Let's Paint!

     Okay, so, I've kind of been absent for the past few days. Main reason, is because my uncle had disabled the wireless internet at home (which is the only internet I have) so I haven't been able to post or do much of anything. Right now I am at Dan's place, and his internet is a bit wonky right now so it keeps cutting out. So I just thought I'd give you guys a quick little post in the meantime. I will be going to Red Lobster(Never been there before, so it's going to be my first time having crab or lobster or anything like that) and the movies at Polo Park Silvercity in a couple hours or so. And then I'll be giving you guys probably another blog basically tell you how that went. I also, am wanting to kind of make a rant within the next few days. So yes.

     Also, I really just made this post so I could show you guys what I did with the back cover of my cell phone :P I seem to have issues with not painting something after a certain amount of time. Painting my phone with nail polish has also inspired me to kind of, do the same to the back of my laptop :3 So, as soon as I get enough nail polish or something, I'll spiff up my laptop and show you guys! :D

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Frightening Encounter

     So, I had a pretty scary thing happen to me this afternoon... It scared me enough to shake me up pretty good. So, I thought, seeing as I wasn't too sure on what to write today, that I would share with you, my story. Now, I'm merely just copy and pasting what I had told Daniel about it. (Take note, this was over Yahoo, and I wasn't taking the time to paragraph everything nicely. So, I apologize for it being a bit, hard to read and such because of that.)

     Okay, well, I decided to go down Pasadena instead of walking down King's Drive till I got to Silverstone, just because there would be less people walking down the sidewalk. And well, I had also found a TD Visa Acess Card near the Speechly Building, so I was totally wandering off in my head about that, on how to go about getting it back to the owner and stuff, and because of that, I wasn't paying attention the the streets, and then I missed my turn down Townsend, and I ended up at the end of Pasadena. But thankfully, it was connected to Laval, (wich is the second street down from McGill) so I just went up Laval, and then turned right onto Silverstone to just walk the short distance home. And the whole time I also had my headphones in listening to music on my phone on full blast. And then, after I passed McMasters (the first street passed McGill) this guy comes up beside me. At first I just thought he was going to pass me, so I just politely smiled and nodded kind of thing (what I typically do to anyone I pass) But then he was just keeping up my pace, so I took my headphones out and he started talking to me. I couldn't understand everything he was saying to me because he had a thick African accent (not a Jemacan(sp?) one though) He at first asked if I was going to school (at the Uni) and I said that I was sitting in on a course (at this point I thought maybe he just stopped me to ask me some information on something) and due to that, I told him that I was going to the University MWF and that my class was in the mornings and such. And then he introduced himself and I told him my name as well. And then he asks for my phone number.. And at this point I was starting to get a bit worried. I told him I can't use my phone because I don't have minutes (and I was willing to prove to him about it if he didn't believe me) and then he asked how he would be able to contact me and stuff. I told him I could give him an email. He didn't like that idea. And then he asked if I had facebook, and I said yes, and then he said for me to come back to his car and that he has pen and paper in his car. (also he was throughout the entire time trying to insist in driving me home) And I told him I was fine, he told me not to be nervous (of course this just made me even more scared) and he asked a few more times for me to come to my car, and I declined. He clearly didn't want to leave empty handed kind of thing, so asked if I had a pen, and I said yes and pulled out a pen, and then, he had asked me again to come back to his car because he had some paper in there that I could write it on. At this point I was getting really worried and scared, and I again, refused (not rudely of course) and then he pauses for a few moments, thinking to himself, and then he pulls out some paper from his pocket, and of course, this really kind of scared me, because he was making it seem as if he didn't have anything for me to write it on or anything, and here he has some paper... So  I wrote my facebook name on his paper, and handed it back to him. He seemed dissatisfied with only getting my facebook name.: to chill, and I told him sunday [just trying to pick a day that wasn't too close or too far a way so that it would seem legitimate that I'd be willing ot hang out with him] but he said that he's usually busy on sundays, and so then near the end of this encounter, I ended up changing it to Monday after my class, and told him that my class ends at 12:30pm, and that I could wait out by the bus loop on Dafoe at 12:45pm. And he seemed good with this. And then he asked if I had a boyfriend, and I said yes, and then he asked if you'd be fine with me chilling with him and I said yes [because I didn't want to upset him] And then he said he would add me on Facebook, and then remind me that I am to meet him at 12:45pm on Monday by the bus loop, and that he would pick me up with his car [and of course made me even more scared... Always wanting some way to get me into his car.]) And then I acted like everything was all confimed and hunky-dorey kind of thing, and then he gave me like, a half hug thing, and then he finally let me go on my way. So I walked away, waited a few seconds, and then looked back and seen him just walking away and not watching me kind of thing, and then I ran home as quick as I could so he couldn't follow me or know where I live.

     Also, I had looked up on Google Maps exactly where he said he lived, and how far away from me it is... This was my result:

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

One Week of Top 5 [Day 7 - Childhood Movies]

    So, on my way back from the UofM, I was listening to some music, and I thought that it would be fun to do a week-long thing about my Top 5 Favorites when it comes to things like, Music, Games, Movies, ect...

     Today I will be doing my top 5 favorite childhood movies!  (in no real particular order after the first two) Including a movie trailer for each of them! :) Enjoy~!

     Now, before I get started, the reason why I am doing this on childhood movies, are because, I've seen sooo many movies, that it would be hard to choose just 5 that I really loved. So, to make things a little different, I'm going to go with the movies that I've watched over and over and over again, while I was a child. :)

1. Lion King (1 and 2)

2.  Pokémon The Movie

3. Matilda

4. The Nightmare Before Christmas

5. Thumbelina

Monday, September 17, 2012

One Week of Top 5 [Day 6 - Super Heroes]

    So, on my way back from the UofM, I was listening to some music, and I thought that it would be fun to do a week-long thing about my Top 5 Favorites when it comes to things like, Music, Games, Movies, ect...

     Today I will be doing my top 5 favorite Super Heroes!  (in no real particular order) Including a few pictures or so of each of them! :) Enjoy~!

1. Spider-Man

2. Iron Man/Tony Stark

3. Green Lantern

4. Bumblebee

5. Sam Flynn/Tron