Saturday, October 20, 2012

Secret Of Mana [Review]

     Okay, I know I didn't post anything yesterday, but. I had class, and I've been really tired these past few days... (including today) So, anyways. I thought that I'd go ahead and do a game review for Secret Of Mana ! (the virtual consul version for Wii) Seeing as I should have done this review a couple months ago...

     This game was actually a tun of fun! You can play up to 3 players, but you have to 'unlock' each player first. Basically, you play as the main guy and play through the story for the first, about, 10-15 minutes, and then you get your first party member. Then at some point after (I forget exactly how long after) you get your final party member. This was one of the few games in which I was actually useful! :D That made me happy :3 I forget exactly how many bosses there are, but there are a fair about (maybe around 20?) and it is really handy to use a walk-through/player's guide during this game because it can get hard pretty fast.
     Your three playable characters are:
The main character of the game. (The one Dan played as)
His main/given weapon is the Mana Sword, but Dan mainly used the axe as it had a higher attack then the rest of the weapons.
He doesn't get magic abilities.

This is the second playable character(he's a sprite) (the one I played as)
It took us a while until we found out that this is actually a guy...
His main/given weapon is a boomerang, though I mainly used the whip.
He also gets magic, and his magic abilities are mostly offensive(attack).

She is the last playable character you achieve.
Her main/given weapon is the gloves.
She too gets magic, and her magic is mostly defensive/healing, which comes very useful once you get them to a higher level.

     I think one of the issues one would have if they played without someone else, is that it may get a bit difficult during major boss battles because you'd need to command the sprite to use magic instead of just melee attacks and you'd want to make sure the other characters aren't being, well... 'reckless' and getting killed right away. I'm not saying it would be impossible or anything, I'm just saying it's really handy to play with another person. Other than that, the only downfall to the game that I can think of, is that you have like, a 4-5 amount per item max. Meaning, you can only carry up to 4-5 of the same item. And you don't always have the best access to shops or Neko (a cat who acts as a shop, but his prices are double. He's often around dungeons, which makes him convenient, but pricey.) There have been instances where Dan and I have ran out of supplies and had to escape out of a dungeon in order to get more supplies, and then kind of, run through the dungeon to get back to where we left off.

     I'm not sure what else to right at the moment... So, I'll just sum things up.
     This is a really great game. The graphics are pretty, the story line is great, the ending is...(you'll just have to play it and find out ;P) I think it's a really well done game, and lots of fun. It's a long game (I think) which is great, because you'll want to just keep on playing. I would definitely recommend this game to everyone!

Here! Have some other pictures from Secret of Mana!

1 comment:

  1. Just think it is awesome people still enjoy this.

    It was one of the prettiest games for its time, at least as far as mainstream
    SNES goes. Music is perhaps average overall, but help the feel.

    You used to be able to order a CD soundtrack from Square, long since sold out I'm sure.

    Not a particularly deep story, but lots of fun. Relatively easy, but not entirely just button-mashing.

    Was very unique for its time, at least in the U.S.

    Yes, Neko is pricey, LOL. Wanting to wring his scruffy adorable little neck sometimes is completely normal.
