Tuesday, November 11, 2014

I'm an Anti-Feminist

Feel free to debate/argue/discuss/ask me on anything in this journal.
I thought it was about time to "come out of the closet" with this.
**Blanket Statement: In this journal I'm talking about Western Society(unless stated otherwise)**

Being an Anti-Feminist, does not mean that I am "Anti-Equality". Because I fully support, and believe in equality for all, regardless of sex, race, sexuality, creed, etc... For everyone all over the world.

I just don't support Feminism as it is today. I don't think it's relevant anymore.
The only places where it would be beneficial to have Feminism, are in parts of the world where women DON'T have all the rights and opportunities as men.

"but feminism is for equality!!! How could you not support it!?!?!?!" Not exactly. Feminism originated to help women gain the same rights and opportunities that men have. And, they've achieved that. It has no purpose anymore, it's obsolete. It's accomplished it's objective... Why keep bastardizing it? I mean, it's good name has been pissed and shit on and left out to hang for fuck sakes. By people who have no idea what it's like to be oppressed. People in western culture have no idea what it's like to be oppressed. With the exception of people in homosexual relationships, because they DON'T have all the same rights and opportunities as people in heterosexual relationships.

I don't support a movement that's sole focus is on one sex only. That's not working for equality.

I've asked many feminists "Why aren't you working to fight for women in places where they DON'T have the ability to speak up, because they don't have the rights to?" And you know what their responses where? 'We have our own issues to deal with' Apparently school and work dress codes, are more important than women who are being truly oppressed. Why? Because it doesn't directly effect them like dress codes do, so it's easier to turn a blind eye to.

Do I think women in western society live in a "rape culture"? No. Because the whole premise of "rape culture" is where it's "O.K" by societies standards, to be raped. While... No, that's not the case at all... If that were the case, then there wouldn't be laws against rape, or repercussions for a rapist... A few assholes who say "well it's her fault because...." does not mean women live in a "rape culture" society. That just means we live in a society with assholes.

"But women make $0.77 to a man's $1.00!!" ... No. That is such humbug. And it's been debunked countless times.